Brenwar Village
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Brenwar Village, located among the rolling hills of Budgam, is a hidden gem that deserves to be discovered. This charming village, with its rustic charm and picturesque surroundings, provides an insight into Kashmir's rich cultural heritage. Brenwar Village, which dates back centuries, has a fascinating history etched in its stones. This village has been a hub of activity since ancient times, serving as a crossroads for both traders and travelers. Its strategic location has played an important role in shaping the region's destiny, with numerous battles and conquests leaving their imprint on the landscape. But Brenwar Village is more than just a historical site; it is also a haven of natural beauty and tranquility. Surrounded by lush greenery and snow-capped mountains, it is the ideal retreat for those seeking peace and solitude amidst nature's abundance. According to legend, the famous Kashmiri poet Habba Khatoon once wandered the streets of Brenwar Village, drawing inspiration from the scenery for her timeless verses. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or simply looking to get away from the hectic pace of city life, Brenwar Village has something for everyone. So come explore its winding alleys and hidden treasures and feel the magic of this enchanting corner of Kashmir.
Best Time to Visit
April to September
Ideal Duration
2 to 3 hours
Distance From Airport
The nearest airport is in Srinagar which is 32 kms away.
Distance From Railway Station
The nearest railway is in Budgam 28 kms away.
Distance From Road
The distance between Srinagar and Brenwar is 40 kms.
Things to Do
Explore village and the local market, hiking, picnicking and relaxation.